... as de Gertrude Jekyll, a mulher que transformou para sempre os jardins ingleses:
Some ladies asked me why their plant had died.
They had got it from the very best place, and they were sure they had done their very best for it ... They had made a nice hole with their new trowel, and for its sole benefit they had bought a tin of Concentrated Fertilizer. This they had emptied into the hole, put in the plant, and covered it up and given it lots of water, and - it had died. And yet these were the best and kindest of women, who would never have dreamed of feeding a new-born infant on beefsteaks and raw brandy.
Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932) em Wood and Garden
2 comentários:
Olá jardineira,
Gostei de conhecer o teu blog e que espanto quando aki encontrei um link para o meu. Irei retribuir :))) Voltarei a passar por cá :)
Um abraço
as mãos...
basta as mãos para destruir uma planta além do excesso de água ou outros excessos.
Com as tuas mãos curas, vivificas!
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